Road Runners Cross Country Club
Road Runners Cross Country Club
Cross country is open to any students in grades 4-6 at WAS. There are 2 practices per week and usually one meet per week. Attending the meets is optional. The season is very short. It usually begins the first week of school and ends in the first or second week of October.
Runners who are under 11 as of August 31st are considered Pee Wee and run 2km. Runners who are under 13 are Bantam and run 3 km. There is always at least 2 staff members out on the practice course at all times.
Runners learn correct form and how to pace themselves for distance. In addition they learn about setting personal goals and being part of a team. Each time the runner tries to better his or her time therefore the real competition is against one’s self.
At the end of the season there is usually a windup event which includes a run and certificates being presented to each runner.
The cross country team welcomes anyone who may wish to join us.