Our School

Walter Aseltine School

Walter Aseltine school is a Pre-K to Grade 6 school, with 331 students and 40 staff members.

Walter Aseltine is a great school because the students, staff and S.C.C. work together to create many opportunities for the students and community.

Students can choose to participate in many sport such as: Cross-Country Running, Volleyball, Basketball, Lions Indoor Soccer League, Tournaments of Volleyball, Soft Ball and Floor Hockey, Flag Football,  and Track and Field. There are also many other extra-cirriculars for sudents such as: Safety Patrol, Choir, Kindess Crew and the SRC.

The students and staff contribute to the community by being "Buddies" within the school to younger students, raising money and food for the local food bank and Senior Citizens Lodge visits. All of these endeavours encourage and inspire positive character traits among our WAS family. 

Walter Aseltine is a great school because there is "Success for All"!

Student Handbook